Donate via Credit Card

Donations:  Bank Details of the Jewish Community of Lucerne Bank: UBS Bank, Bahnhofplatz 2, 6002 Lucerne JGL Account Name: Jewish Community of Lucerne IBAN: CH 25 0024 8248 7545 55170 SWIFT Number/BIC: UBSWCHZH60A

Donations:  Bank Details of the Synagogue Lucerne Bank: UBS Bank, Bahnhofplatz 2, 6002 Lucerne JGL Account Name: Synagogue Lucerne IBAN: CH 25 0024 8248 7545 55170 SWIFT Number/BIC: UBSWCHZH60A

JGL Chevra Kadisha Account: Lucerne Cantonal Bank IBAN: CH58 0077 8010 0607 3210 SWIFT Number/BIC: LUKBCH2260A

Donate via QR Code with Your Credit Card

Important: after your donation/transfer kindly contact us at: and speccify the purpose: Community, Synagogue, Yeschiva ect.